There’s that SUPER DREADED word again, BROKEN! I hate it with a passion and I see so many others there and just want to heal them instantly. Just about the time we get things sewn together, someone else comes along and rips a greater hole, it seems. It’s like that graphic song that came out a while back, STITCHES, “…needle and thread, gonna get you out of my head.” We were so wonderfully and delicately created and put together by the Lord in our mother’s womb. Psalm 139. We were created to be loved! Whole! How do we get there? Is it even possible?

True Love cannot exist without True Freedom and that freedom starts in the Spirit. “Who the Lord sets free is free indeed!” John 8:36. He also heals all of our wounds in our spirit, soul, and body, if we allow it. Sometimes our own words and doubt erase or hinder what He can do. Been there, done that so many times! I’m still finding those broken pieces and trying to stitch them back together. There is scar tissue there and some callouses. Just need the oil of the anointing to be massaged into those areas, healing! Yes!

No one is totally whole, but we are at different places in the journey to it. Can we help one another, or do we try to place ourselves above others out of pride and arrogance? Sometimes the journey seems impossible and sometimes that is true without His love covering us through the storms. The storms must come because they reveal that which is hidden. The wise will take that which is revealed and deal with it, usually by forgiveness, repentance, and receiving healing. We can refuse it. Sometimes we just need to let grieving have its way. There is healing in grieving. It’s a form of letting the pain and anguish to leave our body and help us come back to peace.

I have written a lot in my songs, books, blogs, podcasts, websites, etc., to help. You can find it all on this website and my social media. I give a lot away because I want to help and I know what it’s like to be without, but we do need to pay our expenses too so that’s why the books.

My brokenness, many times over the years, has helped make me who I am today. It helps me understand others so that perhaps I can share an encouraging word or song to help them in their journey to wholeness. We all have a part to play in history. Will we make this world a better place to live or worse? We need to choose wisely and not through emotions.

I wrote the song, SOMEWHERE, from personal experience. Will Adkins is singing an awesome background to it. It’s about rewinding to those places long ago and finding ourselves, healing, so that we can go on in victory. I played it over and over again until I got the words deep inside of me. I want to be complete and whole. How about you?

I pray that this helps you in your journey. I hope to see you out on the music tour as we start ramping up again soon. I’m almost totally healed now. Open doors! Getting ready, again! Excited!

Joseph James

I have put some things together to help others and we have some sponsors added below who help us as well through our non-profit. Please check out the things below and see if they can help you and if you’d like to help us help others. Go For Your Life Dream and Don’t Let Anyone Stop You!

The World Of Joseph James

JJ MUSIC | Currently 3 Albums and 5 Singles on YouTube, Rumble, & Streaming [Christian, Country, Folk, Soft Rock, Easy Listening] Romance, Challenging, Encouraging, Patriotic

Joseph James Music Song List

JJ BOOKS | 9 Published Books & Currently Writing A New One, Autobiography

Books by Joseph James

SDDL MOVIE PROJECT | Currently Raising Funds For A Film On My Wife’s True Life Story Of Incredible Trauma, Miracles, & Healing | The Biography, Movie Teaser, Videos, & Movie Teaser Are On Her Website

Sentenced To Death Destined For Life | The Janiece Turner-Hartmann Story | The Movie Project

DREAMERS INK LIFE FORCE | Training Course with Podcast Videos to Help Folks Find Their God-Given Life Dream | Self & Group Help Study Course with Book & Study Guide, Specially Designed Journal, & 11 Podcast Videos by Joseph to Help in the Journey | Join the Dreamers Ink Life Force Membership! Coming Soon! Special Rewards and Incentives!


Dreamers Ink Book & What's Your Story Podcasts by Joseph James

Through our non-profit, GCU Events, we create community events through entertainment to help the community. Our goal is to help everyone discover and pursue their God-given Life Dream. We also invite non-profits to the event so they can help those in their community who need help. More info on the website and booking info! | Check Out Our Sponsors!

GCU Events Organization | Joseph James

We want to stop the suicides and human trafficking, so we work with each community to do that. I am a part of the Montgomery County Behavioral Health & Suicide Prevention Task Force here in Texas.

SUICIDE? If you or someone you know is suicidal or needs help, please call *988!
HUMAN TRAFFICKING? If you or someone you know needs help from human trafficking, call 888.373.7888!

Together we can change our community and our world. We come together in times of catastrophe to join hands, why not now? Our world is in a state of chaos and catastrophe. Let’s join hands, work together, and change it! We The People!

We have GoFundMe & Patreon Projects where you can donate to help on a one-time or monthly basis. This helps us pay our expenses and go where we’re needed. We also need volunteers to help. Thank you for your help, prayers, and support!

Monthly Support | Patreon Project

One Time Support | GoFundMe Project


ON YOUTUBE! OVER 10,000 VIEWS! Filmed In Alaska!

A Romantic Love Song To Joseph’s Wife, Janiece!


MORE MITO – Joseph has used More Mito Restore and Rejuvenate to help him through the medical challenges he had starting March 8, 2024, with the seizure, fractured vertebrae, and 8 mm cerebral aneurysm between his left ear and eye. He had a deadly reaction to the Keppra drug they gave him and was allergic to the contrast dye in the 3 CT Scans. This helped him recover faster and better. If you’d like to check it out for yourself and/or loved ones and see the testimonials, you can go to his More Mito website by clicking above. It’s natural and is changing many lives. CHECK IT OUT & TRY IT! Proceeds help us in our projects and expenses. Thank you!

We have more sponsors at GCU Events Website!