DARE TO DREAM Music Album | Joseph James & Will Adkins | YouTube

DARE TO DREAM Album | Joseph James


Now On YouTube! | Streaming Services May 1, 2020


All 13 Songs Now Available on YouTube!

1. ANGEL ON THE WAY | Joseph James [Official Lyric Video] Audio: 3:39 Video: 3:57

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DARE TO DREAM Album | Joseph James [Release May 1, 2020 Streaming]

DARE TO DREAM Album | Joseph James

We have one song left to complete, Will Adkins’ SIMPLE LIFE and then we’ll complete the CD’s and release the album on streaming services. Get ready! You can see and hear 12 of the songs on music and lyric videos on YouTube now! Most of the videos show parts of the Colorado Springs area including Pikes Peak, Garden Of The Gods, Pulpit Rock, Gold Camp Road, etc. Check out the mountains, streams and rock structures. Thank you for helping us get this album out there. Be encouraged and DARE TO DREAM!


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DARE TO DREAM Album Challenge

DARE TO DREAM Album Challenge | Joseph James



Who wants to play? Here are the suggestions for rules. Okay, so I am thinking, that perhaps in the midst of all of this isolation, perhaps we can do some fun stuff too. Do you like challenges? How about a guessing game? How about helping us determine the order of the 13 songs on the new DARE TO DREAM album. I can make the choices myself, but I’d rather it be a GROUP THING. When folks share their thoughts with each other, we can gain better insight, plus I’m a bit partial and perhaps a bit biased. THOUGHTS? Comment below.

MY GOAL | I want the final order of the songs to create it own story on the album, kind of like start with one song as the beginning of the story and each adding to it with an ending with the last song.

HERE’S THE PLAN | I created a PLAYLIST on YouTube for the upcoming album. The name of the playlist is DARE TO DREAM Album. There are 6 songs released now that you can hear and rank in the comments below the songs or the playlist itself. This will get others involved as well and we can see what the final list for the album will be. I’m going to rank the songs by numbers of views, duration of views, subscriber’s comments and suggestions. I might even have Will and some others help me.

The whole thing is to get folks to interact with each other in this time of isolation, encourage one another, comment about what the songs mean to you, and help the songs get out there to many who need to hear the messages. The Lord told me through several prophets that he wants me to get my music out there, so I am doing all I can. Here is a list of the songs for the album, not in any necessary order and the links to those that are live now. Please share with your friends and have your own contest. Just something fun. I wonder which song I’m working on next. I’m posting this to my other social media pages and websites.

*** Please note: A few of my older songs, (4), that I’m including on this album are already on my YouTube channel that I am in the process of remixing for the new album, adding new drums, instruments and vocals. There is a short window of time for a sneak peak until I delete them when I upload the new completed versions.

Please comment on the YouTube DARE TO DREAM Album Playlist, on JOSEPH JAMES Facebook Page, or on JOSEPH’S Blog below. These pages will be updated when new songs are published.

Thank you for being a part and helping in this project.

DARE TO DREAM ALBUM (Song List) Links are live releases.

1. ANGEL ON THE WAY (Coming Soon)

2. DADDY DADDY (Coming Soon)

3. DARE TO DREAM [Official Music Video]

4. HONEY I LOVE YOU (Coming Soon)

5. IF I DIDN’T HAVE YOU [Official Lyric Video]

6. I’VE GOT TO BREATHE (Coming Soon)

7. SOLDIER’S STORY [Official Lyric Video]

8. MY WINGS (Coming Soon)

9. NOT ALONE [Official Music Video]

10. SIMPLE LIFE [Song by Will Adkins] (Coming Soon)

11. SOME OF THAT [Official Lyric Video]

12. SOMEWHERE [Official Lyric Video]

13. STILL (Coming Soon)

DARE TO DREAM Album Playlist
DARE TO DREAM Album Playlist on YouTube


To all who are shopping for those special gifts for Christmas where a book might do well. I have written 8 books that you might be interested in checking out. Chapter 1 of each book is on my tour website and the books are available in print and Kindle. Not only will you be helping those you love but will be helping us with the new tour and outreach. Double win! DARE TO DREAM!

SENTENCED TO DEATH, DESTINED FOR LIFE | Tell My People I Love Them! | The Janiece Turner-Hartmann Story | Joseph James | (Biography) (Janiece’s story of so many miracles is sure to encourage a lot of folks to keep going through the storms and looking for the miracles of a loving God. ISBN #978-0-9842422-4-5 19.95 (Website http://www.sentencedtodeathdestinedforlife.com/)

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DARE TO DREAM | JOSEPH JAMES | (Official Music Video)

What is it about America that attracts so many people from other countries? It’s the ability to live in freedom and pursue your own dreams. America’s heritage is about a people who come together in tough times to help each other and the country as a whole. It was built on sacrifice and bravery so that’s it’s people could live in peace with one another and from enemies on the outside.

America still stands for freedom and peace. Although it isn’t perfect, We The People are responsible as individuals to do their part to see our rights are protected. It is also our individual responsibility to treat one another with respect, honor and dignity. There are always forces that would try to tear us apart, to divide and conquer, but they have underestimated the power that is in the culture of America itself.

It is within this culture that many Americans need to remember who we are and rekindle the hope, the destiny, the purpose that spur each individual on to become the person they were created to be, working together and helping each other become more and as a whole a generation that brings hope to the world, showing other countries that they too, can create their own freedom in their own countries. There’s a cost and a tremendous price, but overthrowing evil rulers has always come at a cost.

I wrote this song because of all the folks I’ve talked to here in the USA who were on the verge of giving up and ending their lives. Come on folks, we live in the greatest nation on the earth. We have our problems, but if we can come together and help one another in times of catastrophe, why not on a daily basis. A kind word, a smile and a simple hand to help can save someone’s life and give them hope again. I believe in America. I believe in my fellow citizens. I believe we can do it.

I’m starting a new tour in 2020. AMERICA DARE TO DREAM 2020 Tour. We’re going wherever we can and are invited and even county fairs to bring this message. It’s time for us to encourage each other, listen to each others dreams and start to help each other succeed. It’s time for America to win for our families, our neighbors, our nation and our world. Let hope spring up. Let’s all stand up, THIS IS AMERICA, WHERE WE DARE TO DREAM!

Thank you for listening to this song and passing it on to one another. I hope it sparks something inside of each of us so that we rise up again, discover our dreams and fly… Blessings in your journey and I hope to see you somewhere on the road with our new AMERICA DARE TO DREAM 2020 Tour.

Joseph James

DARE TO DREAM [Official Music Video] | Joseph James

DARE TO DREAM [Official Lyric Video] | Joseph James

(Please share this link, subscribe to Joseph’s YouTube Channel, and help us get the word out there. Washington DC July 4, 2020.)

Direct link to the DARE TO DREAM Official Music Video

I literally wrote this song because of all of my conversations in driving for Lyft here in Colorado Springs, Colorado and from our many divine encounters over the last 6 years of traveling with my Follow Your Dreams Tour across the country and Alaska.

I didn’t realize at the time that I included the instrumental track for America The Beautiful that Pikes Peak was the mountain that inspired that song. I had already planned to put the mountain in the background so it just made it that much more special to me as I stood on top of Pulpit Rock for the filming of this video.

My passion in writing, singing and in wanting to see our country come back together where we become Americans again, helping one another, and encouraging each other, was the driving force behind the creation of this song.

I’m tired of hearing people telling me they’re on the edge of giving up, or helping others pick up the pieces from a loved one who chose to go the way of suicide. I want to be on the other side of this. I want to talk about dreams and hope. Come on neighbors we are better than this. We’ve risen to the challenge in all the wars we’ve fought over the years when we were challenged. We’ve come together as a country and we became stronger. Let’s not let this generation be the one that let’s it all fall apart from within.

We must become the change we want to see, not just keep pointing out the faults and blaming others. I hear immigrants tell me all the time that this is the greatest country in the world. Sure we have short comings, but we can overcome them. We The People are responsible for this country, not the politicians. If real freedom is what really matters to us, then we must stand up, united, and proclaim it. Then we must join our hands together and walk with each other until it becomes a reality. It has taken people to this point of division in our country, but we can be better than they are and we can and must rise above it.

We can change our nation and become that which our ancestors fought so hard to start, the land of the free and home of the brave. Dare we let their blood be in vain? No! I say, “Let us DARE TO DREAM again.”

I was in Charleston, SC the day of the shooting there. That town rejected the hate message and instead, 15,000 of us spanned the 1.9 miles of the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge to show the love. That day, love won. The media were flying helicopters over us and filming. There were folks from all over the world and many different cultures. We were talking to each other and hugging each other. We didn’t even know each other, but it was the passion of love that spurred us on. Love wins! Blessings to you in your journey and Dare To Dream again. Let’s do this.

One of my dreams is to sing this song live in Washington DC, July 4, 2020, to declare these words over America. Let Freedom Ring! Someone once said it’s better to shoot for the stars and land on the moon than never to have dreamed at all. Yes! Let’s see how far we can go! Dreams! They change everything!

Joseph James

© 04.18.19 Joseph James & VaryMedia Music Video Coming Soon!

Dreamers Ink Book, Study Guide & Gift Sets

Dreamers Ink Book by Joseph James

Get ready for the new Dreamers Ink Book, Study Guide and Gift Sets coming soon. Joseph has talked to so many people about the topic of dreams, depression and suicide. In this, he has been able to help many personally so he decided to use what he’s gained over the years and put it into a book to help many more. Read more about the book, study guide and gift sets at this link or click on the image above. https://www.joseph-james.net/JJ10/index.php/books/dreamers-ink/

IITS New Book 5 Soon

If you haven’t read Joseph’s new book saga, Islands In The Sea, you might want to order it now. Book 5, THE LIBRARY is written, in final editing and will be published soon. You can order the complete 5 book set on Beneficial Zone for a discount or order on Amazon and/or Kindle. It’s great reading for teens on up. Challenging, mystery, romance, danger, supernatural, the race is on to stop the deadly, global force against them.

ISLANDS IN THE SEA: SAGA 5 Books - New Books by Joseph James - VaryMedia

Buy a set for yourself and for those you love and want to encourage. The series will challenge us to think outside of the box, evaluate our own lives, and pursue the dreams we were destined to walk.

Beneficial Zone | http://beneficialzone.com/bzshop/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=65&zenid=OhDPtPSRAjdBil8rBpYhz0

More info and links on each book | https://www.joseph-james.net/JJ10/index.php/books/


Joseph James will be discussing their journey through the dark places of life, sharing some insight into possible causes and solutions to make it through without giving up. This is part of his Follow Your Dreams tour and outreach. Event is free! Colorado Springs, Colorado. Sunday, December 9, 2018.

EVENT INFORMATION | https://www.facebook.com/events/148201769396480/

We all need some clouds in our day to have a beautiful sunset, but sometimes the temporary storms are too much. Then we need some help to walk through it. There should be no shame in needing help, as this shame isolates and magnifies the problem.

Pikes Peak, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Joseph James

For more info, please visit this website. If you’d like to help in the tour or outreach, please use our contact form.

Thank you,

Joseph James


Some training and encouragement this morning. HEALING | DELIVERANCE | WARRIOR STATUS. We talk to a lot of folks we see in our travels who want to know more about us and how we walk with the Lord. It is evident, they don’t have access to the teaching and training we’ve had and share, so I’m starting to use these videos to do that. Because of our current living situation here in Colorado Springs, I don’t have a set time and day to do these. The hotel is letting me use another room to film these. So grateful.

If you’d like to get the notifications when I’m LIVE, please like this FB page. If you like what you hear, please pass it on to others. Where are we in our walk with the King? Are we the warriors He’s called us to be, or do we simply follow others? Choices!


MAN OF CLAY Art Print | Joseph James

Here is the poem I read from in my LIVE video TEND TO YOUR GARDEN  this morning from here in Colorado Springs, MAN OF CLAY. I’ve created an art print of it for those of you who want purchase it for yourself or a gift for encouragement or to encourage. The sunset is from a recent photo I took with Pikes Peak in the center. The prints are available now in three sizes. You can also buy a frame, change the paper weight and gloss, plus customize it. We were born with a clean slate with a dream Father wrote for us in a book in heaven, Psalm 139. Many have had their influence in our lives, some for good and some not so much. Father desires to remold and reshape us so that we can attain to the wonderful purpose He created us for. Well, following are the words to the poem and links. The print is available on my Zazzle store for now. The proceeds will help us with our transition to find a place in CO and also in the outreaches/tour. Blessings and may the Lord bless you abundantly.

Man Of Clay Art Print & Poem by Joseph James Read more

November 4, 2018 | Bringing Hope | Follow Your Dreams by Joseph James

FREE EVENT | Joseph James, author and singer/songwriter, is coming to Denver to discuss what he is doing on his Follow Your Dreams tour as they’ve traveled the nation and Alaska over the last 5.5 years. They’ve reached out to communities and individuals, sharing hope and encouragement through meetings, concerts, and shows in order to help those going through depression and/or struggling with suicidal thoughts or just life in general.

FREE EVENT | November 4, 2018 – 3-5pm | Denver Metro/Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Northridge Rec Center, Crestone Room 8800 Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80126

Seating Limited – Visit Event Link and Reserve Your Spot.
EVENT LINK: https://www.facebook.com/events/257875078406944

Joseph James Tour Advertisement | Follow Your Dreams Tour

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God’s Restoration

Sometimes we get separated from people we’re close to, and sometimes lose touch and wonder where they went, but when it comes to a family member, it can be traumatic. I lost touch with my daughter when she was two weeks old. It was the one and only time I’d see her until… God’s Restoration! That restoration birthed a song in me that helped me navigate the journey when the connection was restored. 27 YEARS AGO.

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