If you haven’t read Joseph’s new book saga, Islands In The Sea, you might want to order it now. Book 5, THE LIBRARY is written, in final editing and will be published soon. You can order the complete 5 book set on Beneficial Zone for a discount or order on Amazon and/or Kindle. It’s great reading for teens on up. Challenging, mystery, romance, danger, supernatural, the race is on to stop the deadly, global force against them.
Buy a set for yourself and for those you love and want to encourage. The series will challenge us to think outside of the box, evaluate our own lives, and pursue the dreams we were destined to walk.
Beneficial Zone | http://beneficialzone.com/bzshop/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=65&zenid=OhDPtPSRAjdBil8rBpYhz0
More info and links on each book | https://www.joseph-james.net/JJ10/index.php/books/