The God Of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, & Janiece – Foreword To SDDL

The following is the Foreword from Dennis Goldsworthy-Davis, minister of Open Wells Ministries, for Janiece Turner-Hartmann’s story, Sentenced To Death, Destined For Life, written by Joseph James. Please help us get this story to go viral as it will help many folks who are dealing with many of the issues Janiece lived through. Suicide is such a huge problem in our society, and we want to share the gift of life and encouragement so that folks will choose to go for their dreams no matter how hard it seems. We can all make it if we just don’t give up.


There is a saying in Yorkshire England, ‘It is better felt than telt,’ which means if you can experience something, it has a greater value than talking about it. This book is such an experience! The Janiece Turner–Hartmann story is about a true God given miracle! Written by her husband, Joseph, after years of walking with the miracle and living with the miracle, he decided to document it for all; so that others could believe that God is a miracle worker in the every day people, as He always has been and always will be. Read more

Help Us Save A Life

I am MORE DETERMINED than ever after hearing yet another heart breaking story today and I felt totally helpless. I went to an appointment here in Houston. The last time I was there was in February. Since then, the nephew of the lady at the front desk committed suicide four months ago. I didn’t have the website ready back then, but could it have helped? She and her sister are broken and asking why! I told her about what we are doing with the tour and the IMO – In Memory Of… pages and she’s going to pass it on to her sister in case it might help someone else. “He was a bright 21 year old from Corpus Christi with a promising future and now he’s gone. All we have left is memories and a empty hole in our hearts where he was,” she said. It breaks my heart!

In Memory Of Page - Life Support Messages

We have set up an IMO – In Memory Of page on my tour site and are going to put it on another as well, Janiece’s Bio site, Sentenced To Death, Destined For Life, when I have the time. This page is dedicated to those who have lost loved ones by suicide, drug overdose, or taken too soon by various things. By helping to support the tour on our Patreon Project for $10 per month or more, you can share a LIFE SUPPORT Message about someone you lost. I’d like to see a minimum goal of 1000 Life Support Messages on these pages. This will help us lower the costs of the outreach shows.

Can you imagine someone, who is contemplating suicide and just trying to find a reason to live, visiting this page in a Google search? Or because someone shared it on their Social Media Page? Can you imagine them reading through hundreds of messages how their loved one didn’t know about the special love they had for them? They left behind broken hearts, broken dreams and sometimes broken lives. Do you think it might just make a difference? Even if only one!

We are posting two Life Support Messages as soon as we get the text from the sponsors. Right now there are 4 samples on the page. Will you help us? It costs so much money and time to do this outreach tour and eventually the live production and we’ve been able to cover all of the costs until now. We need your help. The person reading the messages will know that it’s more than just a message, but there was also financial support and prayer backing it to get the word out there. That says a lot. We have a minimum of $1 per month in the Patreon Project so anyone who wants to help, can. If you can’t afford the $10 per month but still want to place a Life Support Message on the page, please message me. We’ll help and perhaps we can get some sponsors who don’t have a Life Support Message to cover it.

We have faced much financial opposition since our trip to Alaska and Omaha, but we are determined to continue on. Numerous folks have thanked us for doing what we do. I talked to two pastors in Conroe yesterday who want to support the outreach when we are able to do one in their community. There is so much work to be done and I feel so inadequate. Please pass this on to others. The life you help save might be someone you know. The constant response is, “if only I had known.” Look at your friends and family to see if there are any signs. Tell them how you feel, even if they get tired of hearing it. Thank you for your prayers and support. It means more than you know.

Link to IMO Page:

Link to Patreon Project Page:

Follow Your God-given Dreams and Fly!
Joseph James

Books For Christmas by Joseph James

Just finished adding the new book to the Merchandise Sign for the Concerts.

Next two concerts in Omaha, NE. October 12, 2017 at the Sozo Coffeehouse, 7-9pm. More info here:

Great Christmas book sets available at the concert and on our Online Store – Beneficial Zone. Great reading for teens and adults of any age. Check them out and pass on the links to others.

Allegory, Fiction, Romance, Adventure, TrueStory, Mystery, Suspense, Supernatural, Dreams, Destiny, Purpose, Life Danger

Available at:

More Info and Amazon & Kindle Links:

Books & Music by Joseph James


FYD Concert Omaha, NE October 12, 2017

We will be at the Sozo Coffeehouse in Omaha, Nebraska for a concert | outreach with our Follow Your Dreams Tour. Please join us from 7-9pm. I’ll be sharing my songs and Dee Zee will do a freestyle dance or two. Let’s encourage each other to go for our dreams! SAVE A LIFE! See you there! Sozo Coffeehouse, 1314 Jones St, Omaha, Nebraska 68102

Joseph James YouTube:

Dee Zee YouTube:

Tickets are $5 online or at the door. Purchase online at

Follow Your Dreams Concert - Joseph James - Dee Zee - Omaha, NE 10.12.17


A Message Of Hope Along A Lonely Road! | In Memory Of… Web Page

After discussing this with some friends and ministers about this and getting very positive feedback, I decided to go with it. I didn’t want people to think we’re trying to make money off of someone else’s grief. This is a delicate subject and I want to treat it with respect.

Many folks want to help in preventing suicide but don’t know how. So many have lost loved ones to suicide, drug overdose, or simply lost someone too soon, and want to reach out to others to make a difference, but don’t have a way. Just one simple voice with a loving message might just make a difference in a life or death decision as someone skims through cyberspace looking for a reason to live!

We have provided a way to do both on Joseph James’ website and soon, Sentenced To Death, Destined for Life website as well. For a minimum $10 monthly or $120 yearly donation, we will place the name of the loved one you lost, your name, and a short message you want to add on the websites. It can be a famous person as well. This will serve a three-fold purpose.

#1. It will help us to reach out with our concerts|productions|outreaches to those who need encouragement and help keep our costs down. Traveling and paying for venues is very expensive. We are joining with other organizations in each community to make sure that those who need help, get it.

#2. You will be able to tell someone else a short story about how much your loved one meant to you. Perhaps this will make a difference to someone who reads your memory. Perhaps it will convince them that their loved ones care for them as well. Sometimes it doesn’t take much to change one’s mind.

#3. Your memory is an ongoing testimony to everyone who reads it, of a life that was taken too soon, no matter the reason. Everyone matters and has a destiny to fulfill!

We thank you for your support and help. We’ve been traveling for four years, paying our own way but together we can do even more. Eventually, we’ll be traveling with a production and cast.

Here is the link to the page. There are some sample posts there now. You can click on the link on that page to help sponsor the outreach tour:

We’ll be adding this page to as soon as we can.


Joseph James

Time To Write New Book – Islands In The Sea – Book 4

Now, that we have a place to camp for the next six to eight weeks, I can sit down and write a new book, book 4 of my series, Islands In The Sea. I am working on a new song as well, and hopefully, I can write one or two more. These are going to be more generic/double meaning songs than what I’ve been writing. Occasionally, I need these types of songs in order to get into venues that might not like my other genre.

Sunset Mirror - Joseph Jamesa - New Book for Islands In The Sea

(This image was taken as we traveled I-90 through South Dakota) Read more

ANGEL ON THE WAY (Live) | Joseph James

Ok, just as I promised, here it is. The LIVE VERSION of ANGEL ON THE WAY, recorded here in the meeting room at the hotel last month. I am doing a series of 15 of my songs live, so that you can get a feeling of what the concerts will be like. Plus you can also cast votes for liking your favorites so that I can choose which ones to place on the first album. Be sure to subscribe to my Youtube channel to be the first to hear the new music videos as they go live. Keep up with extra news on my FB Fan Page. I appreciate your support and prayers. I started this journey of writing 29 years ago. It’s time to get on the road to a city near you.

LOOK closely at the artwork on this one to see the special addition to the image for the song. If you see it, comment on it. I had fun designing this one. Please pass this link on to others who might need to hear the power of prayer. Blessings and I hope you enjoy it.

For bookings, concert and outreach info, please send a message via the contact page on this site or via Joseph James’s Facebook Fan Page.

Joseph James