Fear is the destroyer of dreams and everything good and eliminating fear is of utmost priority. Out of it comes all kinds of evil, greed, murder, envy, jealousy, hate, etc. These are all born out of fear. True Love conquers all fear, but how do you get it? How can one overcome the fear in their life to live the dreams they were destined for? It’s a journey…
(Colorado Springs, 03.15.13 | Follow Your Dreams Tour | Joseph James) Read more
It’s not the prevailing circumstances that necessarily define a person, rather, it’s what they do in/through it. Tough times come on all, but some press through and overcome, while some give up. Storms only last for a while. If all we can do is hold on through it, that can be enough. Sometimes we get the benefit of walking with others through the storm. No matter the company or not, we must set our face to the wind and by His grace we can endure it. Many want to know who this God is, but unless we embrace the hard times, needing His help, perhaps we won’t know. It’s through the hard and seemingly impossible times that I discovered more about who He is, than in the easy times. Just a thought or two. Blessings in your journey.
Only 500 “Sentenced To Death, Destined For Life” SPECIAL COLLECTOR’S EDITION STORY BOOKS | Color (over 80 photos) | Autographed | Hardback will be printed, TARGET publishing Date | November 1, 2018.
This SPECIAL OFFER includes the current BIOGRAPHY,. We are only printing 500 of the Special Edition Books so they will go fast.
This will help us move forward with the initial Movie Project expenses. The Special Edition Publishing target date is November 1, 2018, but the Biography will be shipped upon order completion. I believe that everyone who is struggling with things in their life, really needs to read her story of miracles. On Kindle & Nook as well.
We are praying that these sell quickly, please join us in agreement in prayer and share this with others.
We need your help to make this GO VIRAL in a new GRASSROOTS endeavor to establish a huge fan base before the movie comes out.
SDDL Movie Filming Start Date: Summer 2019
SDDL Movie Premiere Date: Summer 2020
Cost To Produce: $4-5 Million
We can and will do this and bring hope, love and encouragement to our generation.
Thank you for your prayers, helping us get the word out and your financial help. Please visit our BeneficialZone store, our Patreon Project and our Go Fund Me Project to see how you can help us.
Joseph James