I’VE GOT TO BREATHE Song | Joseph James | Chords & Lyrics | [Official Lyric Video]
I’VE GOT TO BREATHE | w/m Joseph James | © 12.23.19 | 125 BPM
I’VE GOT TO BREATHE | w/m Joseph James | © 12.23.19 | 125 BPM
SOLDIER’S STORY | w/m Joseph James | © 01.06.20 | 110 BPM
SOMEWHERE | w/m Joseph James | © 01.22.19 | 150BPM
MY WINGS | w/m Joseph James | © 12.27.17 | 85 BPM
Angel On The Way | w/m Joseph James | © 02.05.16 | 110 BPM
DARE TO DREAM | w/m Joseph James | © 04.18.19 | 120 BPM
All 13 Songs Now Available on YouTube!
1. ANGEL ON THE WAY | Joseph James [Official Lyric Video] Audio: 3:39 Video: 3:57
We have one song left to complete, Will Adkins’ SIMPLE LIFE and then we’ll complete the CD’s and release the album on streaming services. Get ready! You can see and hear 12 of the songs on music and lyric videos on YouTube now! Most of the videos show parts of the Colorado Springs area including Pikes Peak, Garden Of The Gods, Pulpit Rock, Gold Camp Road, etc. Check out the mountains, streams and rock structures. Thank you for helping us get this album out there. Be encouraged and DARE TO DREAM!
Who wants to play? Here are the suggestions for rules. Okay, so I am thinking, that perhaps in the midst of all of this isolation, perhaps we can do some fun stuff too. Do you like challenges? How about a guessing game? How about helping us determine the order of the 13 songs on the new DARE TO DREAM album. I can make the choices myself, but I’d rather it be a GROUP THING. When folks share their thoughts with each other, we can gain better insight, plus I’m a bit partial and perhaps a bit biased. THOUGHTS? Comment below.
MY GOAL | I want the final order of the songs to create it own story on the album, kind of like start with one song as the beginning of the story and each adding to it with an ending with the last song.
HERE’S THE PLAN | I created a PLAYLIST on YouTube for the upcoming album. The name of the playlist is DARE TO DREAM Album. There are 6 songs released now that you can hear and rank in the comments below the songs or the playlist itself. This will get others involved as well and we can see what the final list for the album will be. I’m going to rank the songs by numbers of views, duration of views, subscriber’s comments and suggestions. I might even have Will and some others help me.
The whole thing is to get folks to interact with each other in this time of isolation, encourage one another, comment about what the songs mean to you, and help the songs get out there to many who need to hear the messages. The Lord told me through several prophets that he wants me to get my music out there, so I am doing all I can. Here is a list of the songs for the album, not in any necessary order and the links to those that are live now. Please share with your friends and have your own contest. Just something fun. I wonder which song I’m working on next. I’m posting this to my other social media pages and websites.
*** Please note: A few of my older songs, (4), that I’m including on this album are already on my YouTube channel that I am in the process of remixing for the new album, adding new drums, instruments and vocals. There is a short window of time for a sneak peak until I delete them when I upload the new completed versions.
Please comment on the YouTube DARE TO DREAM Album Playlist, on JOSEPH JAMES Facebook Page, or on JOSEPH’S Blog below. These pages will be updated when new songs are published.
Thank you for being a part and helping in this project.
DARE TO DREAM ALBUM (Song List) Links are live releases.
1. ANGEL ON THE WAY (Coming Soon)
2. DADDY DADDY (Coming Soon)
3. DARE TO DREAM [Official Music Video]
4. HONEY I LOVE YOU (Coming Soon)
5. IF I DIDN’T HAVE YOU [Official Lyric Video]
6. I’VE GOT TO BREATHE (Coming Soon)
7. SOLDIER’S STORY [Official Lyric Video]
8. MY WINGS (Coming Soon)
9. NOT ALONE [Official Music Video]
10. SIMPLE LIFE [Song by Will Adkins] (Coming Soon)
11. SOME OF THAT [Official Lyric Video]
12. SOMEWHERE [Official Lyric Video]
13. STILL (Coming Soon)
DARE TO DREAM Album Playlist
DARE TO DREAM Album Playlist on YouTube
To all who are shopping for those special gifts for Christmas where a book might do well. I have written 8 books that you might be interested in checking out. Chapter 1 of each book is on my tour website and the books are available in print and Kindle. Not only will you be helping those you love but will be helping us with the new tour and outreach. Double win! DARE TO DREAM!
SENTENCED TO DEATH, DESTINED FOR LIFE | Tell My People I Love Them! | The Janiece Turner-Hartmann Story | Joseph James | (Biography) (Janiece’s story of so many miracles is sure to encourage a lot of folks to keep going through the storms and looking for the miracles of a loving God. ISBN #978-0-9842422-4-5 19.95 (Website http://www.sentencedtodeathdestinedforlife.com/)
Get ready for the new Dreamers Ink Book, Study Guide and Gift Sets coming soon. Joseph has talked to so many people about the topic of dreams, depression and suicide. In this, he has been able to help many personally so he decided to use what he’s gained over the years and put it into a book to help many more. Read more about the book, study guide and gift sets at this link or click on the image above. https://www.joseph-james.net/JJ10/index.php/books/dreamers-ink/
If you haven’t read Joseph’s new book saga, Islands In The Sea, you might want to order it now. Book 5, THE LIBRARY is written, in final editing and will be published soon. You can order the complete 5 book set on Beneficial Zone for a discount or order on Amazon and/or Kindle. It’s great reading for teens on up. Challenging, mystery, romance, danger, supernatural, the race is on to stop the deadly, global force against them.
Buy a set for yourself and for those you love and want to encourage. The series will challenge us to think outside of the box, evaluate our own lives, and pursue the dreams we were destined to walk.
Beneficial Zone | http://beneficialzone.com/bzshop/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=65&zenid=OhDPtPSRAjdBil8rBpYhz0
More info and links on each book | https://www.joseph-james.net/JJ10/index.php/books/
Joseph James will be discussing their journey through the dark places of life, sharing some insight into possible causes and solutions to make it through without giving up. This is part of his Follow Your Dreams tour and outreach. Event is free! Colorado Springs, Colorado. Sunday, December 9, 2018.
EVENT INFORMATION | https://www.facebook.com/events/148201769396480/
We all need some clouds in our day to have a beautiful sunset, but sometimes the temporary storms are too much. Then we need some help to walk through it. There should be no shame in needing help, as this shame isolates and magnifies the problem.
For more info, please visit this website. If you’d like to help in the tour or outreach, please use our contact form.
Thank you,
Joseph James
Some training and encouragement this morning. HEALING | DELIVERANCE | WARRIOR STATUS. We talk to a lot of folks we see in our travels who want to know more about us and how we walk with the Lord. It is evident, they don’t have access to the teaching and training we’ve had and share, so I’m starting to use these videos to do that. Because of our current living situation here in Colorado Springs, I don’t have a set time and day to do these. The hotel is letting me use another room to film these. So grateful.
If you’d like to get the notifications when I’m LIVE, please like this FB page. If you like what you hear, please pass it on to others. Where are we in our walk with the King? Are we the warriors He’s called us to be, or do we simply follow others? Choices!
Here is the poem I read from in my LIVE video TEND TO YOUR GARDEN this morning from here in Colorado Springs, MAN OF CLAY. I’ve created an art print of it for those of you who want purchase it for yourself or a gift for encouragement or to encourage. The sunset is from a recent photo I took with Pikes Peak in the center. The prints are available now in three sizes. You can also buy a frame, change the paper weight and gloss, plus customize it. We were born with a clean slate with a dream Father wrote for us in a book in heaven, Psalm 139. Many have had their influence in our lives, some for good and some not so much. Father desires to remold and reshape us so that we can attain to the wonderful purpose He created us for. Well, following are the words to the poem and links. The print is available on my Zazzle store for now. The proceeds will help us with our transition to find a place in CO and also in the outreaches/tour. Blessings and may the Lord bless you abundantly.
FREE EVENT | Joseph James, author and singer/songwriter, is coming to Denver to discuss what he is doing on his Follow Your Dreams tour as they’ve traveled the nation and Alaska over the last 5.5 years. They’ve reached out to communities and individuals, sharing hope and encouragement through meetings, concerts, and shows in order to help those going through depression and/or struggling with suicidal thoughts or just life in general.
FREE EVENT | November 4, 2018 – 3-5pm | Denver Metro/Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Northridge Rec Center, Crestone Room 8800 Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80126
Seating Limited – Visit Event Link and Reserve Your Spot.
EVENT LINK: https://www.facebook.com/events/257875078406944
Sometimes we get separated from people we’re close to, and sometimes lose touch and wonder where they went, but when it comes to a family member, it can be traumatic. I lost touch with my daughter when she was two weeks old. It was the one and only time I’d see her until… God’s Restoration! That restoration birthed a song in me that helped me navigate the journey when the connection was restored. 27 YEARS AGO.
Help us get the word out on my music by requesting it on Streaming Music. This will help us get into a professional studio to record. It’s also on YouTube where there are more of my newest songs. My books are listed on my website. I hope you enjoy listening and reading and are encouraged. Blessings.
Angel On The Way
Honey, I Love You
Fly From Here Read more
Listen to my interview this evening, July 27, 2018 at 7:00pm EDT with hosts Pastor G and Lady C of Give God The Glory Broadcast in Detroit, Michigan. We will be discussing Janiece’s Biography, my upcoming new LIMITED EDITION Book and the new Sentenced To Death, Destined For Life Movie. Get the latest scoop, live streaming from Detroit. ON RADIO | GIVE GOD THE GLORY BROADCAST.
Great. Mathew 18:3! A child believes everything as they haven’t been tainted by deceit yet. If we can get back to that innocence, by choice and His grace, we’ll be able to see what He saw and do what we see our Father in heaven doing, because He went to be with His Father and sits next to Him on the throne interceding for us. If, by choice, we do what we see Father doing, we’ll go from victory to victory like Him. Early this morning, as I was in and out of sleep, I was shown some things in the Spirit. GREATER THINGS…
SOME TRIVIA | Right after I finished filming this segment about my vision of the LIBRARY in Heaven, Read more