THIS DAY Lyric Video | Joseph James

Today is the day! What are we going to do with it? There is someone close by who wants to be a part and to help. Can we see them? It doesn’t have to be a lonely walk, rather it can become an adventure in this life’s journey. Listen to the new song by Joseph James. THIS DAY!

THIS DAY LYRICS | w/m Joseph James Read more

ONE FACE Lyric Video by Joseph James

ONE FACE Lyric Video by Joseph James | When folks think of Jesus, which face do they see and what does it look like? We are created in the Lord’s image, but who do people see? ONE FACE!

(Sunrise in Ormand-by-the-Sea, Florida Overlayed of Storm Clouds in Colorado Springs | Joseph James)

ONE FACE Lyrics | w/m Joseph James Read more

Eliminating Fear

Fear is the destroyer of dreams and everything good and eliminating fear is of utmost priority. Out of it comes all kinds of evil, greed, murder, envy, jealousy, hate, etc. These are all born out of fear. True Love conquers all fear, but how do you get it? How can one overcome the fear in their life to live the dreams they were destined for? It’s a journey…

Colorado Springs | Follow Your Dreams Tour | Joseph James | Eliminating Fear

(Colorado Springs, 03.15.13 | Follow Your Dreams Tour | Joseph James) Read more

Taking Advantage Of Every Opportunity

This year has been one of many twists and turns, up and down in some uncharted territory. As each door closed and pretty much hit us in the face as it did, another opened, but not what we were hoping for. The entertainment business and ministry can be difficult just on their own, but mix them together in outreach and it can get really complicated, quickly. Folks have their own opinions about ministry, but adding entertainment to it, and some just freak out.

Follow Your Dreams Tour | Joseph James

(Some of the places we’ve been on the Follow Your Dreams Tour | Joseph James) Read more


It’s not the prevailing circumstances that necessarily define a person, rather, it’s what they do in/through it. Tough times come on all, but some press through and overcome, while some give up. Storms only last for a while. If all we can do is hold on through it, that can be enough. Sometimes we get the benefit of walking with others through the storm. No matter the company or not, we must set our face to the wind and by His grace we can endure it. Many want to know who this God is, but unless we embrace the hard times, needing His help, perhaps we won’t know. It’s through the hard and seemingly impossible times that I discovered more about who He is, than in the easy times. Just a thought or two. Blessings in your journey.

The Incline | Manitou Springs CO | Joseph James | Follow Your Dreams Read more

The Clown

I wrote a song, THE CLOWN, on December 24, 1993 about the wearing of masks. When I get back into the studio, it’s one of the songs I’m going to record. Have you ever walked into a park where a clown was performing? Depending on what the clown was doing, folks laughed or cried, nonetheless, there was usually a message to the act. After we walk away though, all we remember was the act, but had no clue as to who the clown really was.

Blue Ridge GA | Follow Your Dreams Tour | Joseph James

Read more



Only 500 “Sentenced To Death, Destined For Life” SPECIAL COLLECTOR’S EDITION STORY BOOKS | Color (over 80 photos) | Autographed | Hardback will be printed, TARGET publishing Date | November 1, 2018.


Sentenced To Death Destined For Life Movie Project | Joseph James

This SPECIAL OFFER includes the current BIOGRAPHY,. We are only printing 500 of the Special Edition Books so they will go fast.

This will help us move forward with the initial Movie Project expenses. The Special Edition Publishing target date is November 1, 2018, but the Biography will be shipped upon order completion. I believe that everyone who is struggling with things in their life, really needs to read her story of miracles. On Kindle & Nook as well.

We are praying that these sell quickly, please join us in agreement in prayer and share this with others.

We need your help to make this GO VIRAL in a new GRASSROOTS endeavor to establish a huge fan base before the movie comes out.

SDDL Movie Filming Start Date: Summer 2019

SDDL Movie Premiere Date: Summer 2020

Cost To Produce: $4-5 Million

We can and will do this and bring hope, love and encouragement to our generation.

Thank you for your prayers, helping us get the word out and your financial help. Please visit our BeneficialZone store, our Patreon Project and our Go Fund Me Project to see how you can help us.

Joseph James

SDDL Movie Project



Pre-Purchase the new, upcoming, Limited Edition, Autographed &
Numbered, Color Hardback Book Joseph James is writing in story form to
be released before the movie premieres!

ONLY 500 Books
Of this Special Hardback,
Numbered Edition will be Published!

* Final Cover Design Subject To Change!

Target Release Date: November 1, 2018
This 500 Book SPECIAL OFFER will help us cover initial expenses in taking this story from a screenplay into a new movie. It will also help us spread the word about her story in preparation for and anticipation in the upcoming movie.
Sentenced To Death Destined For Life Story | Movie | Joseph James

Her Current Biography below can be purchased on our website for $19.95 and also on Kindle & Nook. It is also available on Amazon. Read the story and pass it on so that others can read and be encouraged and then get ready to see it on the big screen. It costs a lot of money to produce a movie, but together we can do it. From the sale of just 1 million prints of her current biography, we can produce the movie.

Sentenced To Death Destined For Life Biography | Movie | Joseph James

Purchase Janiece’s Biography for $19.95 at our Beneficial Zone
Store, watch approximately 7 hours of video by Janiece, listen to Radio
Shows we’ve been on and more info at the websites below.

Keep up with the latest news on the projects we are doing and
where we are on tour at the websites below and connect to our
social media from there. May the Lord bless you and encourage you
to Follow Your Dreams, the ones He’s written for your life! Psalm 139

Janiece’s Story Website:

Joseph James Tour Site:

Shopping & Donations:

Tour Support | Patreon Project

Movie Support | Go Fund Me Project

Help us get the word out there about Follow Your Dreams and let’s CANCEL SUICIDE & DEPRESSION.

Joseph James

FYD Concert | The Open Door Mission | Omaha NE | 05.25.18

The Open Door Mission | Omaha NE (Private Concert)

Joseph James’ will be performing at the Open Door Mission in Omaha, Nebraska on May 25, 2018 from 7-9pm. His son, Daniel Hartmann [Dee Zee] will be doing several dance performances as well. The Follow Your Dreams Tour is an entertainment outreach to help encourage people and to rekindle hope in their hearts with a focus on helping them dream again and go for their destiny. We performed at the mission October 2018 and it was great to encourage those who have lost everything and are homeless.  This event is a private performance.

Follow Your Dreams Tour - Joseph James - Open Door Mission - Omaha Nebraska - May 25, 2018

FYD Concert | SOZO Coffeehouse | Omaha NE | 05.24.18

SOZO Coffeehouse | Omaha NE

Joseph James’ will be performing at the SOZO Coffeehouse in Omaha, Nebraska on May 24, 2018 from 7-9pm. His son, Daniel Hartmann [Dee Zee] will be doing several dance performances as well. The Follow Your Dreams Tour is an entertainment outreach to help encourage people and to rekindle hope in their hearts with a focus on helping them dream again and go for their destiny. We might have special guest performers from the community. Tickets are $5 online and at the door.

If you’re in the area or know of someone who is, please let pass this on.

Follow Your Dreams Tour - Joseph James - Sozo Coffeehouse - The Well Music - Omaha Nebraska - May 24, 2018

FYD Concert | Grace Center | Shawnee, OK | 05.18.18

Grace Center | Shawnee, OK

Joseph James’ will be performing at the Grace Center, 130 S. Oklahoma Ave, Shawnee, OK 74801 on May 18, 2018 from 7-9pm. His son, Daniel Hartmann [Dee Zee] will be doing several dance performances as well. The Follow Your Dreams Tour is an entertainment outreach to help encourage people and to rekindle hope in their hearts with a focus on helping them dream again and go for their destiny.

If you’re in the area or know of someone who is, please let pass this on.

Follow Your Dreams Tour - Grace Center Shawnee Oklahoma - Joseph James - Daniel Hartmann (Dee Zee) - Concert

FYD Concert | The Living Room | Shawnee, OK | 05.17.18

The Living Room | Shawnee, OK

Joseph James’ will be performing at The Living Room (Shawnee Rescue Mission) 506 South Beard on May 17, 2018 from 7-9pm. His son, Daniel Hartmann [Dee Zee] will be doing several dance performances as well. The Follow Your Dreams Tour is an entertainment outreach to help encourage people and to rekindle hope in their hearts with a focus on helping them dream again and go for their destiny.

If you’re in the area or know of someone who is, please let pass this on to them.

Follow Your Dreams Concert - Joseph James and Daniel Hartmann - The Living Room Shawnee, OK

Tucson Radio Shows

KTDT 99.1 FM Downtown Radio in Tucson Arizona

April 7, 2018, Joseph and Janiece were guests on Laura Milkins’ Depression Session Radio Show in Tucson. The show aired live on KTDT 99.1 FM Downtown Radio in Tucson Arizona. We were so honored to get to share Janiece’s testimony from her biography and Joseph’s story together as well. The show is also available on Laura’s site at: We hope you enjoy the show, get challenged in areas where you need it, get healed and encouraged as well. Check it out.

SPECIAL THANKS to Laura Milkins for having us as her guest on her show.

Depression Session - Laura Milkins - Joseph James and Janiece Hartmann - Tucson Radio


KGMS 940AM in Tucson and KNXN 1470AM in Sierra Vista, AZ

February 24, 2018, Joseph and Janiece were guests on Kathy Thomas’ Tucson radio show Woman To Woman. The show aired live on KGMS 940AM in Tucson and KNXN 1470AM in Sierra Vista, AZ. It was streamed live on the website and Facebook. This video is an edited version of that radio show. Catch the complete show at the radio website above.

We were so honored to get to share Janiece’s testimony from her biography and our story together as well. We hope you enjoy the show, get challenged in areas where you need it, get healed and encouraged as well. Check it out.

SPECIAL THANKS to Kathy Thomas for having us as her guest on her show.

Woman To Woman - Joseph James and Janiece Hartmann - Tucson Radio

Also thanks to Sammy and Jennifer Maloof of Maloof Racing Engines and Winning At The Race Of Life for taking us in off the road and allowing for some rest and rejuvenation of our tired bodies and souls. If you’re in LA, be sure to stop by and say hi.

Blessings and thanks for watching. Please use our contact page for bookings and or to contact us. Hope to see you down the road somewhere. Go for your Dreams! Follow Your Dreams Tour 2018.

CHECK OUT the book, the videos, and all the other things we’re doing on our two websites, Joseph’s music and other books as well. Our itinerary is up on the Joseph James website as well.

GET JOSEPH’S MUSIC HERE You can also find Joseph James’ music on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, iHeart, Spotify and more, 2 albums and 16 songs.



On Tucson Radio Today

JUST A FEW MORE HOURS TO GO and here’s the update to the radio show today and how you can win a FREE BOOK of Janiece’s biography, Sentenced To Death, Destined For Life.

The phone number to call for a chance to win with all the other information on how to do it is on the facebook page below. 520-790-5663

If you’re in the Tucson/Sierra Vista area, tune in to KGMS 940AM and KNXN 1470AM from 1-2pm Mountain Time.

If you’re somewhere else, LIVE STREAMING will be available on the KGMS 940AM website during the live show for those outside the radio broadcasting range. Just click on the LISTEN LIVE in the top header of the website. You can also CALL INTO THE SHOW to talk to us as well have a chance to win a free book.

If you miss the show, the podcast will be available later. Show time is 1-2pm Mountain Time. 2-3pm Central Time, etc. We are really excited to get the news out to more people who need help. Please pass this on to all you think might need to hear Janiece’s incredible, miraculous story and some of mine. Blessings to you all.

More info on Janiece’s Story at her bio website:

Catch you on the show. Blessings.

On Woman To Woman Radio

Joseph and his wife will be on the radio February 24, 2018 sharing about her journey of miracles before they met and after they were married.

RADIO ANNOUNCEMENT (Live on Air, Live Streaming, Podcast)

Janiece Turner-Hartmann and Joseph James | Radio Show Woman To Woman with show host Kathy Thomas

This Saturday, February 24th from 1-2pm MT, Janiece and Joseph will be live on the Woman To Woman Radio show with host Kathy Thomas. The show will be On The Air, Live Streamed from the Radio Website and available on podcast beginning Sunday for those who can’t hear it live. The Live Radio broadcasting area is the Tucson & Sierra Vista, AZ. Read more

Changing Lives

Sometimes a praise report can change everything, especially for us today. When we left Atlanta on the 1st, we knew we needed to head west, possibly California to get medical testing for Janiece. When we entered Texas, we got a call to pray for a friend in a coma in San Antonio. Most of you have read that post and prayed with us. This morning we got a call saying our friend is out of ICU, is responsive, has taken the “do not resuscitate” status off, and is saying she knows the Lord still has work for her to do. We are beyond thankful and so honored the Lord would send us to help. We know we weren’t the only ones praying, but I know the words He had me declare over her in that state made a huge difference and you are part of that. Suicide avoided and another dream of His has a chance to be fulfilled along with the rest of us in His Kingdom. This is why we go, even for one. I just wanted to share this to encourage those of you who are praying with us and you who are helping to support us financially. You are so appreciated.

Read more

New Possibilities For Early 2018

So it seems that Easter is on April 1 this coming year. Going to be interesting, just saying.

I was looking at the Calendar to set up some bookings around the country this year. Looking at Nebraska, Oklahoma, Kansas, and possibly surrounding states (Colorado & Arkansas, etc?) for later in April and early May. Florida and area in February or March or possibly Arizona & New Mexico and area in January & February. Just throwing some things out there in case some of you live in those areas. We have some connections in these areas, but would love to have more to help us get the word out there. Read more

FYD Tour Concert Omaha – Video Highlights

We recorded the Follow Your Dreams Tour concert at the Sozo Coffeehouse in Omaha, Nebraska on October 12, 2017 and created a Video Highlights film on YouTube. This is to show a small portion of what we do in the concerts and outreaches as we encourage folks to dream and to not give up. Depending on venues, we can do speaking and/or music and add dance, comedy and acting in as well. Read more