There’s that SUPER DREADED word again, BROKEN! I hate it with a passion and I see so many others there and just want to heal them instantly. Just about the time we get things sewn together, someone else comes along and rips a greater hole, it seems. It’s like that graphic song that came out a while back, STITCHES, “…needle and thread, gonna get you out of my head.” We were so wonderfully and delicately created and put together by the Lord in our mother’s womb. Psalm 139. We were created to be loved! Whole! How do we get there? Is it even possible?

True Love cannot exist without True Freedom and that freedom starts in the Spirit. “Who the Lord sets free is free indeed!” John 8:36. He also heals all of our wounds in our spirit, soul, and body, if we allow it. Sometimes our own words and doubt erase or hinder what He can do. Been there, done that so many times! I’m still finding those broken pieces and trying to stitch them back together. There is scar tissue there and some callouses. Just need the oil of the anointing to be massaged into those areas, healing! Yes! Read more


I really felt like I needed to record my new song yesterday and get it out so it could be heard. I really feel like someone’s life might depend on it. I recorded it live here in Oklahoma. It will become the theme song for the tour after I record it at a later date and add full backup instruments and drums.
I don’t care what you’re going through and how hard things seem. There is never an excuse to end your life, in my opinion. There is always hope. I know, I’ve been there too. It was a really bad situation. All seems hopeless in the moment, but trust me, the Lord will eventually help you through, just wait for Him and reach out to those around you if you can. Message me. This is the whole basis for the tour, to Save A Life! We need you. You have a purpose and a great destiny in His Kingdom or the devil wouldn’t be trying so hard to take you out. No race worth running is ever easy, but when you cross that finish line… Blessings… Be encouraged.